The first one is "Sabbath of Lust", which is a mid-paced track that creates an occult feeling, at first, though the dominant vibe is more in line with death metal than black metal. The vocals are deeper and some of the riffs follow typical death metal patterns, along with the boring drumming. Otherwise, this is mildly reminiscent of old Beherit, but not to any extreme degree. There is a decent lead solo, later in the track, but the stupid female vocals and ridiculous attempts at sounding evil just expose this as a poor effort, indeed.
"Possessed Wolves' Howling" is far better, starts out with an intro that seems to be trying to create a dark feeling. The Bathory influence is still present here, but not as prevalent. This is a fairly decent Black / Thrash song, with decent riffs and an amusing chorus as the pronunciation reminds one of Gollum, from The Lord of the Rings, saying it as "wolveses". This would have been a better track without the deeper vocals added in, but that is more a matter of personal preference. The final riff and lead solo are pure 80s worship, leaning toward more of a traditional metal sound than the rest.
Neither of the songs are bad, but only one is worth repeated listens. Belial's Possessed Wolves is an average release, but not as good as the ones that Pest offered up before. This is definitely not worth tracking down, as the songs are available on the Hail the Black Metal Wolves of Belial compilation.